Garnish & Gather

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Meet Our Photographer: Heidi Harris

We are incredibly lucky to have Heidi Harris as our photographer–and she's been with us since day one! All those gorgeous meal shots and pictures from the farm? Yep, those are thanks to Heidi. She's a photography mastermind who can perfectly style anything from a place setting to a living room, and she knows all the tricks for getting the kids to laugh for photos. Aside from G&G's website and social media, you've probably seen her work in Atlanta Magazine or on the Instagram accounts of some of your favorite restaurants. We asked Heidi a few questions about her photography, so keep reading to learn more, and to enter our giveaway for one of her Short & Sweet Photo Sessions!


How did you get into photography? Did you always know it’s what you wanted to do?

I always knew I was an artist and sort of felt an ever-present "pull" towards following that feeling. Photography came very naturally to me, and so I like to think of it as finding me.


How would you describe your photography style? What kinds of subjects do you shoot?

My style is really adaptable. I like to describe it as mutable, it changes and shows up as it needs to for the story or client.

I shoot a wide range of subjects from food and restaurants to products, portraits, babies and kids, artists and makers, interiors and architecture.

The commonality behind them all is the connection I feel to the story, the client, the brand, etc...


Where can we see your work? /


Tell us about your Short & Sweet sessions! (This is what we're giving away!)

These are 15 min of fun to capture your kids being their true selves!

I offer ice-cream sessions and sprinkler sessions in the summertime, as well as spring and fall sessions.

You can see them all and learn more with my online link:


What's your favorite tip for styling and shooting the perfect plate?

I like to make it as close to "home" as possible - so napkins, water glasses, cutlery, etc are all great things to "ground" the plate and make it have some "life"


What do you like to cook at home? Do you find yourself styling your dinners?

We are hooked on G&G: But if not G&G our go-to's are homemade Pizza or something easy like Breakfast for Dinner. I love cooking and baking so, trying new meals and cuisines are our favorite things to do at home. I do love setting the table, and I do so almost every night: flowers or fruit in the center of the table, family-style platters, colorful cutlery and napkins help our table feel fun.


If you were a fruit or vegetable, what would you be and why?

Love this question :)

I'd be a fig -They are delicious and can be sweet or savory. Humans and other animals love them and eating them warmed from the sun, right off the tree, feels like connecting with some sort of ancient power and I kind of want to be connected to that feeling. 






We're giving away one of Heidi's Short & Sweet Sessions! The winner will get to schedule a themed 15-minute session with Heidi and she'll delivered 30 photos that you'll hold on to forever. (This is a $200 value!) The kids can get their swimsuits on for some sprinkler time, or get messy with ice cream cones–and Heidi will capture the moment perfectly. She also offers a session for your pup! Don't have kids or pets? No problem. Get individual photos or grab your partner or some family and friends and Heidi will meet you at an outdoor spot in town to snap photos.

To enter, show us your food styling skills! Using Heidi's tips below, post your best shot of a G&G meal kit on Instagram. Tag both G&G (@garnishandgather) and Heidi (@heidiface), make sure you're following both of us, and remember–if your account is private, make sure to DM the post to G&G so we'll be able to see it! The contest will close on June 7th and Heidi will choose the winner on June 8th, so you have 3 weeks to get snapping. Best of luck!


1. Plating

Does it need to be on a plate or in a bowl? Should that side of mashed potatoes be on the side of the plate or in a side dish? Think about how plating the food makes the dish come together in a way that is pleasing to your eye (this includes that garnish as a finishing touch). Adding a splash of color or texture by incorporating a napkin can help add some visual interest too.



2. Scale

Think about scale. Heidi always throws a fork or spoon next to a plate for scale. When looking at a photo, it can be hard to tell exactly how big that entrée is. Adding in an element that we can all relate to will subconsciously add a realistic scale to your photo.



3. Sunlight

Find the sunlight. We eat with our eyes first—and if it looks good in real life, then it will make for a pretty photo too. Even though we usually eat dinner at night (or in a dimly lit restaurant) it is important to make the food look the best it can on its own. That means try your best to have good lighting. Heidi says natural light is another way to relate to what we are looking at. Even if it’s for a campfire dinner, you still want to see exactly what it is you're about to eat.



4. Angle

Don't be afraid to dance around the plate. That’s’ right, bend those knees & move around a bit! One thing is for sure—you have to start moving in order to see what angles make the plate look best. For pizza (or other flat dishes) a photo could look great from directly overhead. But you have to get eye level with your burger if you want it to look like more than just buns, hon.



5. Inspiration

Gather ideas for some images you like; snap a photo of that cookbook or magazine cover for inspiration or take a quick photo at a restaurant of the garnish they used. Try to re-create these images at home one day. Preparing your eyes (as well as your photo skills) will help you to see all the possibilities before you. We all know what practice makes!



We can't wait to see your photos! Make sure to post by June 7th to be entered into the giveaway!






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