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Chef's Corner: How to Dice a Tomato

With great anticipation of enjoying a taste of summer in the cold winter months to come, I canned up about 35lbs of fresh tomatoes from D and A Farm. By what seemed like the tomato number 3,489, it occured to me that I might share the secret to a quick and easy dice. Your first order of business is to get yourself a good, sharp knife. Have a knife that needs sharpening? Go see our Mealtime Partners at Cook's Warehouse and they'll be happy to sharpen it up like new!
Next, follow these steps, and you'll be on your way to fresh salsa, sauces and salads in no time!
1. Remove the core. An easy trick is to use a 1/4 tsp to quickly scoop it out.
2.  Picture the tomato as a globe, with the core being the poles. Cut the tomato in half, around the globe (not through the poles).
3. If you prefer to leave the seeds behind, this is a time to scoop them out.
4. Slice the halves of the tomatoes in half, with the cut side on the cutting board.
5. Stack the slices, cut side down, and slice them into strips.
6. Gather the strips and cut them into even chunks.

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