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Chef's Corner: Tips for Cooking Grass Fed Steak

Cows that graze on grass tend to be leaner than their grain fed counterpart, so cooking them requires a different approach.  Here are a few tips so your grass fed steak is cooked to perfection.

SLOW THINGS DOWN: On average, grass fed steak takes about 30% less time to cook, so check for doneness sooner.

REDUCE THE HEAT: Grass fed steaks should be cooked at lower settings on the grill or stovetop and about 50 degree lower in the oven.

PREHEAT: Always preheat your stove, grill or skillet before adding your steak.

COOK TO PERFECTION: Rare to medium rare is the ideal cook temperature for a grass fed steak. If you like a well-done steak, then cook your grass fed beef slowly at a low temperature.

ADD A LITTLE FAT: Because of the lower fat content, the steak can benefit from a little extra oil in the pan.  Simply rub your steak with some oil before cooking it.

USE A THERMOMETER: Use a meat thermometer to test for doneness and watch it carefully. Always insert the meat thermometer into the thickest part of the steak.

LET IT REST: After cooking, the beef should be allowed to rest for a few minutes to let the juices redistribute.

USE THE RIGHT TOOLS: Never use a fork to turn your beef while cooking or precious, delicious juices will be lost. Instead, use tongs. We love these easy grip tongs from our Mealtime Partner, Cook's Warehouse.

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