Garnish & Gather

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Eat Local. Art Local.

We are excited to announce a partnership with Atlanta's WonderRoot, a non-profit arts & service organization with a mission to unite artists and comunity to inspire positive social change. We share a very important core value - we love local! Garnish & Gather aims to connect folks with their local community through food. Since we think food is an art, this is a match made in local heaven.

WonderRoot just launched the 4th sesason of their art CSA. What's a CSA, you ask? A CSA is the very thing that inspired Emily to start G&G. A CSA, or Community Supported Agriculture, is when people buy 'shares' of a farm's harvest and receive a box full of delicious local food each week. G&G takes it a step further, providing a recipe and all the ingredients from multiple farms.

WonderRoot took that idea and applied to it the art world to develop their Communtiy Supported Art.  So instead of food, you get beautiful art created by local artists! During the course of the CSA, G&G will be featuring the local artists so y'all can get to know some of the wonderful talent right here in your city! Check out this handy-dandy infographic on how WonderRoot's CSA works! (We like to think the artists are eating G&G meals in #5!)

Learn more about WonderRoot CSA Season 4 here. Shares can be purchased here! Questions? Point them towards the fabulous Program Manager, Jennifer.

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