Garnish & Gather

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Farmer Profile: Jody


1. What is the name and location of your farm?

Jody’s Farm is located at 1760 Newborn Road in Rutledge, Georgia. It’s about 44 miles from Atlanta and the entire farm is 40 acres (including 8 acres of wetlands!).


2. How did you get into the farming business?

I said, “When I turn 50, I’m going into the farming industry.” And that’s what I did.


3. What is your favorite crop to produce and why?

Artichoke and asparagus. They are so beautiful, and I love that they look like purple flowers as they’re growing. And speaking of flowers, I love those, too. Sunflowers, snapdragon, zinnia & cosmos are just some of my favorites to grow. It’s interesting because you can partner your vegetables to certain plants, and the flowers will be there to guard the veggies from bugs and other pests.


4. Do you have any fun or interesting stories about your farm?

We found a lemon tree with lots of thorns—we got tons of it! it looks just like lemon, but we learned that it’s not lemon. One day we said, “Let’s taste it!” It created a weird sensation that made me really happy and my lips went numb! After a lot of research, I want to try to make a medicine out of it.


5. What’s something difficult about farming that people wouldn’t expect to hear?

It’s hard because there are an incredible amount of things to do every single day—no if’s or but’s. It’s easy to run out of time.


6. Do you have any animals on your farm?

We have chickens and wild ducks running around!


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