Garnish & Gather

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Pesto & Tortellini Pasta Salad


Last week I (Abbie, G&G's marketing manager–hi!) whipped up this pasta salad because I needed a last-minute dish to take to my pottery class's potluck. I knew I would have only about 20 minutes to throw something together before I had to head over, so I'd resigned myself to picking up some beer on the way over as my contribution. Luckily I snapped out of said resignation and decided to throw something together with ingredients I had on hand from G&G, and turns out my pasta salad was a potluck hit! And yes–I did finish it within my 20 minute time frame! The sheer volume of compliments and admiration of this pasta salad (I was told it needed to become a potluck tradition to bring this dish) made me realize that I had to share the recipe. Now you too can trick people into thinking you spent hours making this dish! Take it to potlucks, keep it in your fridge to snack on all week (it would be a really good side to seared chicken), make it for a barbecue... you can do a lot with this. Enjoy!



You'll need:

1 lb Pasta Mami's Cheese Tortellini

12 oz Peachtree Farm tomatoes

half a red onion

1 oz fresh basil

8 oz mini mozzarella balls

3 oz Porzio's roasted garlic & basil pesto

salt & pepper




  • Bring a pot of salted water to boil for the tortellini
  • Dice tomatoes
  • Mince red onion
  • Finely chop basil
  • Add tortellini to boiling water and cook 3 min, then drain and move to freezer to chill for 5–10 min
  • Mix tomatoes, red onion, basil, mozzarella, pesto & tortellini in a large bowl, then add salt & pepper to taste and enjoy!



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