Garnish & Gather

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6 Questions with Chef Terry Koval

We caught up with Wrecking Bar's Chef Terry Koval to ask him a few questions about his cooking style, his expeirence with G&G and his Be The Chef dish. Here's what he had to say!

G&G: What do you like to cook at home?

TK: Mexican and Chinese. We like a lot of bold flavors and we probably have rice on the table at least 4 to 5 times a week. Having 2 kids, we cook at home almost every night and it has to be simple fresh and fast! Rice, corn tortillas, potatoes and baby greens tend to be our base. We work in proteins, fresh vegetables and what is currently coming out of our garden. Right know we have a lot of sungold tomatoes, padron peppers, okra, arugula and cucumbers.

G&G: What is one piece of advice you would give to home chefs?

TK: Keep it simple, don't over think it! Keep it fresh, clean and tasty!


G&G: What did you think of your Garnish & Gather experience? 

TK: We love it! My 10 year old daughter, Olivia, loved helping with the meal. We loved how everything was portioned out and it was really easy. Best part was having a good time preparing the dish together!


G&G: Why local?

TK: It only makes sense! There is something special and gratifying about having a conversation and shaking the persons hand who raised, grew, harvested and cleaned your food.


G&G: Whats the craziest thing you’ve ever cooked?

TK: As I don't think it's all that crazy, but I like to cook things that typically get thrown out, such as spicy chili glazed chicken feet with scallions and Sweet Grass Dairy Asher Blue Cheese, Beef Heart pastrami (which is currently on our menu), chicken fried chicken hearts, pig head rillet, crispy pig ears....


G&G: Why did you choose the pork chop as your G&G meal?

TK: It's simple, fresh, clean and tasty! All the components live up to a quality dish - the field peas and roasted carrots match up with the marbled Berkshire pork chop from Riverview Farms and the acidity from the Coffee BBQ sauce and Doux South chow chow tie it all in.

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