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Back to School Organization Hacks

photo credit: Cathryn Lavery via Unsplash


Dum, dum, dummmmm. It’s back to school time. That means it’s time to get back to the routine. Here are a few tips to stay organized (and sane) while you settle in.


Be a Night Owl

Make the most out of your nights before hitting the hay. Here’s a few things you can do the night before school to keep your morning relaxed and not run out the door like a crazy person:

- Lay out clothes the night before (don’t forget accessories, socks, undies & shoes)

- Prep breakfast & lunch

- Inventory backpacks & keep them in a designated place

- Set alarms (one for when you need to wake up and one for when you need to leave)


Plan Your Meals

We like to consider ourselves experts in this department. Waiting until you have a house full of hungry people is setting you up for dining failure. Plan each meal ahead of time and avoid the “h-angries.”

- Breakfast Foods: Start right by having plenty of healthy and easy breakfast options that you and the kids can grab on the go. Try Atlanta Fresh Greek Yogurt with some granola and fresh fruit or freshly baked muffins from H&F.

- Breakfast Drinks: Don’t forget perhaps the most important part - coffee! Keep Banjo cold brew coffee in the fridge so you can caffeinated with ease. Also keep a few juices on hand to pack in the vitamins when you’re on the go.

- Lunches: Always prep ahead of time so the only thing your scrambling in the morning is . Aim to do it the night before or even all on a Sunday. Or, let Joseph & Company do all the work and order our pre-packaged, freshly cooked lunches.

- Dinners: G&G to the rescue! All the ingredients are perfectly portioned so cooking is a breeze on any night. For those extra busy nights, make sure to stock your freezer with easy meals like Zocalo’s handmade tamales, Kathleen’s Catch’s mahi burgers and Pine Street Markets pot pies or meatloaves


Organize Your Fridge

Keep different meals in different spots in the fridge so your kids can easily help get their own breakfast or pack lunches. Take a little time on Sunday to pre-pack the perfect portions so you’re week is as easy as grab & go. 


It’s also a great idea to keep a list on the outside of your fridge of it’s contents so you can quickly glance at it to decide what’s for breakfast, lunch or dinner. This way the kids don’t rack up a giant power bill staring into the fridge’s abyss and nothing gets lost in the back.


Practice Makes Perfect 

Kids (and parents) thrive on routine. Make sure you sit down with your kids to talk about your routine, and even practice a few days ahead of time to avoid the first week jitters. In the morning, give yourself plenty of time for the inevitable hiccups (i.e. finding things your kids lost). If you find yourself rushing out the door, aim to wake up a little earlier so you can start the day on the right foot. 


The afternoon routine is just as important as the morning. Start the afternoon by talking about their day. Try to keep a consistent dinner time, bath time and bed time so they know what to expect. 


Be Realistic

There are endless activities for parents and kids to sign up for. Think about what you and your family are realistically capable of fitting into your week. Short on free time? Say no to that PTA position. Kids struggling to get homework done? Save soccer for next season. If it’s your turn to bring snack for the meeting, don’t drown yourself trying to make freshly baked muffins. Let H&F do the work. We won’t tell!


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