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Field Peas & Field Goals: A History of Culinary Inspiration

As we approach Super Bowl Sunday, the anticipation is buliding. It seems like a great time to let y’all in on a little secret of mine. I haven’t always watched football (I’ll give you a minute to let that shock wear off). I remember my first date with my husband. I asked if he was into sports and he said “oh, a little. I mean, I watch a game here or there.” Fast forward 3 months into our relationship and the start of football season, and it turns out when he said “a few games,” he really meant “a few games on at the same time.”  Suddenly, I was trying to figure out the difference between the SEC, NFL, and BCS while secretly wondering who had the ball.

After a few Saturdays and a few more Sundays (and Mondays) of learning to watch football, I realized that I’d never be the diehard football gal who has her own fantasy league. I could enjoy an hour or two, but not an afternoon and so I started exploring other activities on these football days that were still ‘around’ but not glued to the game. Cooking soon became the perfect compliment to football. Now weekends had equal parts field goals and field peas. What better time to test out those ‘crazy’ recipes like homemade pretzels, French macaroons, and beef Bourguignon?

I learned that just there is enough room in a Sunday for a Super Bowl and a soup bowl. My husband and I now both count down to football games! Both to watch the game and to enjoy the food!

Everyone can enjoy this Super Bowl Sunday with a G&G Meal Kit. Football doesn’t have to equate to bar food. It can be a time to enjoy the game, the company of friends and a delicious home cooked meal.

So, as we all enjoy watching the playoff games, I want to say a little thank you to football. Without you, my culinary adventures may have stopped with what was a convenient weeknight dinner.


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