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How to Cut Fennel

Fennel is a crunchy and sweet vegetable with a bulb made of overlapping, firm layers. Here’s the easy peasy way to slice or wedge your fennel for cooking:


Step 1:

If they are still attached, cut the fronds from the bulb. But don't throw them away: these fronds can be used in salads or in soup stock!


Step 2:

Cut the root from the bottom, so the bottom is flat.


Step 3:

Set the bulb on its flat bottom and cut it in half.


Step 4:

Cut into slices or wedges

For slices, set the halves cut-side-down and cut each half perpendicular to the fibers into slices.

For wedges, set the halves cut-side-down and cut each half lengthwise to made quarters. Then cut each quarter into wedges


Step 5:

Remark at what a culinary genius you have become!


Voila! Your fennel is ready to be cooked and enjoyed! Happy eating!



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