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How to Make Flawless Kale Chips

Never be a victim of soggy or burned kale chips again! Follow these easy tips and you'll be a kale chip superstar!

1. Keep it Clean

Farm fresh food is just that: fresh from the farm. That means there might be a little dirt leftover. We are believers that 'dirt don't hurt' but it can mess with the flavor of your chips. So give your kale a good rinse before getting started.

2. Ditch the Stems

The stems hold a lot of the woody flavor and texture so simply tear the leaves away from the stems and discard the stems (or save them to make veggie stock or juice!)

3. Dry 'Em

Now that your kale is nice & clean, it's important to remove all that excess water so your chips don't 'steam' in the oven. Toss them in a salad spinner, or dry them with a paper towel.

4. Give them a Rub Down

Who doesn't love a massage?! Kale certainly does! Use about 1 tsp olive oil to give the leaves a good rub down. This helps make sure the oil is spread evenly, and helps break down the rigid cellular structure so you're kale chips are light and crisp.

5. Spread them Evenly

Piling all the leaves onto a baking sheet can lead to the 'steaming' effect, so make sure you spread them evenly on your baking sheet(s) so there is room for the air to circulate and make them perfectly crisp.


Try your hand at kale chips in our kid-approved Chicken Burgers with Almond Butter, Persimmon Ketchup & Crispy Kale Chips this week. 

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