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Meet Deanna of Decatur's MudFire Studio

Deanna and Daphne are the couple behind Decatur's MudFire Studio & Gallery–a pottery studio for beginning students and ceramic professionals alike. With open studio hours, date nights, and even a gallery where you can buy pieces made by members of the studio, there's bound to be something that catches your eye! MudFire is G&G's newest pick up location (we are very excited about this!), so if you need an excuse to stop by, here it is–you can pick up your G&G orders from the shop on Mondays from 4 to 9:30pm! We asked Deanna some questions about MudFire, the community, classes and more.

When did MudFire Studio open? 
MudFire opened in 2001 - but we took over as the ownership team in 2013. We’d previously worked in the ceramic supply industry and studied ceramics under Kathy King.

What got you into ceramics? Do you have a favorite type of vessel to make?
I actually came to ceramics from metal working and my partner Daphne came from video/film. We both loved the process oriented nature of the ceramic arts. Daphne prefers atmospheric firing and wheel thrown vessels and I prefer hand-building, glaze chemistry, and electric firing.

We hear you have fantastic classes and date nights at the studio! Can you tell us about them and how to sign up?
Currently we have a waitlist for the general studio membership but trust us it is worth it - so add your name! You can do that online at Our studio membership includes 57 hours of access per week and the use of our studio tools, equipment and over 80 glazes. Our date night classes are very popular as they are a one-time access point to the space and book 3-4 weeks ahead - the full schedule can be found here: Pottery Making date nights at MudFire studio - DIY pottery | MudFire Pottery Studio and Gallery -

When is the gallery portion of MudFire open? (What a great place to find special gifts for loved ones!)
The gallery is open 10am - 10pm Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday and 12pm - 7pm Friday, Saturday, and Sunday (the same hours as the studio). Our gallery features work by resident artists and members of the studio.

How can someone new to MudFire become a member?

Sign up on our waitlist :)


What is the community like at MudFire?

We have a diverse membership in age, identity, race, and experience. Our community is full of beginners, those selling work professionally, and those who are still in school. Ages range from 18 - 78. We are open and accepting to all BIPOC and LGBTQ+ community members in particular because often those community members lack access to traditional maker spaces. We also have a resident artist program that supports young makers of all backgrounds.

And of course, one food-related question: What are your top 3 favorite restaurants in Atlanta?

Miller Union, Tuk Tuk Thai Food Loft, Ria’s Bluebird
Favorite closed spots: JCT and Revival - loved them both!

If you need an excuse to stop by MudFire, pick up your next G&G order from the studio on Monday!

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