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Meet Jermail & Brandi

Jermail & Brandi are the faces behind Atlanta's Just Add Honey! You can find a few of their teas in our local market, or visit their tea shop on the Beltline. We asked them a few questions about Just Add Honey, and they shared some fun facts with us! Keep reading to learn more. 


How and when was Just Add Honey born?

2006- out of a love for tea and travel we wanted to recreate a cup of tea that combines international experiences and a southern flair.


Where do you find inspiration for your tea blends?

From past and present travel and our tea loving customers. We can’t tell you the amount of times a customer has said “have you thought about this” which starts the process of a new tea blend.


Describe your ideal moment sipping tea.

Our ideal moment to drink tea would be on a cool fall day sitting outside on our back porch. John Coltrane is the playing on our mini record player and we have a hot cup of chocolate mint rooibos.


Are there any fun facts or tips about tea that you’d like to share? 

Fun facts- herbal tea is not tea at all. “Teas” like chamomile, peppermint and hibiscus are actually herbs, botanicals and fruits 


Anything else we should know about Just Add Honey?

We are a family owned and operated company that takes great pride in our product and customer service. As 1st generation Entrepreneurs our greatest joy is showing our kids what’s possible if you dream big and work hard!





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