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Chef's Corner: How to Segment Citrus Fruit

The perfectly segmented citrus you enjoy at restaurants is simple to achieve at home. It is a technique known as supreme, which simply meals removing the skim, membranes and seeds then separate into segments. Follow these easy steps, courtesty of The Kitchn to perfectly segment your citrus. As with all prep work - watch out for your fingers! 

Step 1: Cut off the top & bottom so the orange is stable on the cutting board.

Step 2: Trim away the skin and pith by starting at the top then slicing down. Take your time and don't be afraid to take another go at getting all the pith (the soft, spongy, white stuff).

Step 3: Cut into one of the segments using a paring knife. It's best to do this over a bowl so you can catch all the delicious juices. Use the knife to cut between one of the segments and the connective membrane. Cut all the way to the middle of the orange without cutting through any of the membrane. 

Step 5: Scoop out the segment by turning the knife back on itself in a scooping motion. You'll need to peel it away from the membrane.  

Step 6: Repeat with all the other segments.

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