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Sweet Pepper Coulis

A good sauce can be a real game-changer when it comes to dinnertime, and this sweet pepper coulis recipe certainly hits the mark. Our recipe below shows you how to roast peppers at home to go in your coulis, but you can also find pre-roasted peppers at the grocery store if you'd like to save some time. Either way, this sweet pepper coulis will really take your meal up a notch! It's perfect with seared salmon (as shown in the photo above), drizzled over roasted veggies, or as a condiment for paninis and wraps.



  • 1 cup sweet pepper
  • 2 tsp minced garlic
  • 1/2 cup diced red onion
  • 2/3 cup sherry vinegar
  • olive oil
  • salt & pepper




  • Preheat oven to 400ºF
  • Brush a baking sheet lightly with oil
  • Lay whole peppers on their sides and roast for 20 min, then remove from oven and use tongs to turn
  • Place peppers back in oven and let roast for 20 min more, or until charred and soft



  • Place roasted peppers on a flat surface (they can overlap), such as a cutting board, and completely cover with a large mixing bowl
  • Let peppers steam for 15 min (this will make it easy to peel the skin off)
  • Once steamed, cut each pepper in half vertically and pull out stem & seeds and discard
  • Use a paper towel to remove any excess seeds, then peel charred skin off of peppers and discard
  • Roughly chop roasted peppers into large pieces
  • Tight on time? You can skip all of the above steps for roasting peppers at home and find them at the grocery store instead!



  • In a pan, heat 2 Tbsp oil over med
  • Add garlic & red onion and cook 3 min
  • Add sherry & roasted peppers, then cook 3—4 min, until liquid is reduced by half, scraping up browned bits
  • Transfer coulis to a food processor, season with salt & pepper to taste, and pulse until smooth




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