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Thank You, Community Table!

Have you ever wondered what happens with leftover ingredients at G&G? There's almost always bound to be some, and we won't ever let the food go to waste–thanks to Community Table. Casey and Camille started Community Table in 2022 and haven't looked back! We can't thank them enough for what they do.

Casey stops by the G&G office every Monday to pick up our food donations at the end of the delivery cycle and then disperse it to our community. We asked Casey a few questions about the non-profit, so read on to learn more! If you want to get involved, follow Community Table on Instagram, sign up to volunteer here, or donate here on their website.


Tell us about Community Table! How and when did you get started?

My business partner Camille and I met while volunteering with another organization during the pandemic. We were rescuing food but couldn’t keep up with the demand. We saw the need to help other smaller organizations that didn’t have a large volunteer base and needed the help obtaining those resources. We branched out on our own a year and a half ago and started Community Table.

What is something you wish everyone knew about food insecurity in the metro Atlanta area?

Food insecurity in Atlanta is complex and nuanced. Food insecurity encompasses access to food or lack thereof, limited, or unknown availability of nutritionally adequate foods and or simply going without eating. The degrees to which people are dealing with hunger vary widely and affect 1 in 9 adults and 1 in 7 children in the Atlanta Metropolitan area. 

How do you distribute the food that you rescue each week?

The Community Table model is based on collaboration. We work with local partners to distribute food and resources to those in need in Greater Atlanta. Our partners include food pantries, community kitchens, wholesalers, retailers, restaurants, farmers, individuals, and local businesses. We work with these groups to procure, rescue, and collect food and resources, such as blankets, clothing, and toiletries. We utilize local resources whenever possible to support local businesses and neighbors to further our vision of a more sustainable and equitable community. We help feed, clothe, and provide necessities for anyone in need, including working families, children, and unhoused community members. We act as the person in the middle to rescue the food and resources, getting it to organizations that distribute it to the communities in need, working together so we feed as many people as possible.

What’s the hardest part of running a non-profit? 

The most challenging aspect of running a nonprofit is understanding that you can’t do it all. You want to help everyone and rescue all the food and never say no to a donation. The reality is you can’t do it all, understanding that you do what you can within your means and ability is a hard pill to swallow because you don’t want to get burnt out from doing too much.

What’s the most rewarding part?

The most rewarding part of what we do is creating connections with the people. We are passionate about connecting with people and hearing their stories. Everyone has a story to tell, and we want to be there to listen. There is so much we don’t know, and we want to learn about and understand the communities and people we serve. We want to make sure that each person feels respect, dignity, and compassion when we serve them. Our hope is that by being present to listen and learn, we can also help people feel seen. 

How can members of the community get involved with Community Table?

We can always use additional food resources. If anyone knows of stores or businesses in need of a place to donate food that they are going to otherwise throw away, we would love for you to connect us. 

Follow Community Table on Instagram, sign up to volunteer here, or donate here.


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