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This Recipe for Beet Raita Can't Be Beat!

Just when we thought we’d cooked beets everyway possible, a new chef rolls into our lives with an incredible new way to enjoy this sweet root veggie. Our newest chef, Steve D’Angelo of Chefter, is on a mission to change the way people cook and interact with food. Mission accomplished on this recipe for Beet Raita!

Raita is a classic yogurt-based Indian dish, usually featuring cucumbers. Switching it up to beets gives it an incredible color and creaminess. 

What we really love about this recipe is how easily it can be tweaked to fit different purposes. If you’re looking to use it as more of a sauce, simply add a little more yogurt. If you’re looking for more of a dip, hold back a bit on the yogurt and really let the beets shine.

In this week’s Minted Lamb Croquette recipe, we hit the middle of the road with a creamy consistency to compliment the lamb and sautéed spring veggies. The recipe is simple:

Recipe: Easy Beet Raita


1/3 c diced beets

½ c Atlanta Fresh Greek Yogurt

1 t curry powder

½ lemon, juiced 



1. In a pot, cover beets with water, bring to a boil then reduce heat to low & simmer 10 minutes

2. Drain beets & transfer to food processor

3. Add curry powder, yogurt, lemon juice, salt & pepper to blend until smooth


Let us do the shopping, peel and dice the beets and measure for you! Order the Minted Lamb Patties and be on your way to Raita heaven!


Order Your Minted Lamb Patties

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