Garnish & Gather

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Name that Pasta Dish: Timballo

The menu for September 29th features a very special dish by local pasta genius, Chef Mike Patrick of Storico Fresco, and it's about to change everything you thought you knew about pasta: Timballo Pie Stuffed with Tortellini, Eggplant & Greens. The pie features baked tortellini, eggplant, greens & cheese, made fresh for you by Chef Mike. You'll make a delicious roasted veggie salad, and with just 10 minutes of active cook time, you'll have plenty of time to unwind with a glass of wine!

As far as history of this unique pasta creation, Chef Mike tell us this a hard one to track down. "Italians live to stuff or fill things," he told us. "It's a way of making food unique, adding an extra element of surprise. The one we are doing for Garnish & Gather is a bit of a twist but has all the accurate ingredients that would make this legit timballo." 

Being the pasta guru that he is, Mike tell us that the name comes from bell or kettledrum, timballi or timballo. "Varieties of Timballo differ from region to region, and it is sometimes known as a bomba, tortino, or sartu. They are regional specific, meaning they are all made with products you would find from region it comes from." Leave it to Italy to show us how to eat local! Mike says there is most likely upwards of 150 different kinds of timballo. Order today and check one off your list... only 149 to go!

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