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5 Questions with Local Three's Chef Chris Hall

From humble beginnings around the corner from what is now Local Three, Chef Chris Hall started his culinary career at the Pizza Hut on Collier Road as a teendager. From there, he moved up the proverbial ladder, eventually landing while in college at Philadelphia’s famed Lec Bec Fin where "he was begrudgingly taught to cook by an angry Frenchman & his minions." 

The bourbon & Southern belles called him back to Atlanta and he found himself at Canoe, cutting his teeth with Gary Mennie, George McKerrow, Ron San Martin and "the gang by the river." He always knew he wanted his own place and if nothing else to cook what he wanted, however he wanted, whenever he wanted. So after meeting Turner and Muss, a fast friendship formed and they began talking about a partnership. It was a long winding road to eventually get there but the seed for Local Three was born. Years later, they opened Local Three to a swell of critical and guest acclaim and the rest, as they say, is history.

Now Hall still cooks, mainly for charity events, but is the partner in charge of the day-to-day operations of Local Three. His true passion these days is to help people in much the same way people helped him in his career. He loves to coach and mentor and is still entranced by the machinations of the restaurant business. Hall participates actively on the board of the Atlanta Ronald McDonald House and is a founding Board Member and Vice Chairman of The Giving Kitchen. In 2015, Chris, Ryan, and Todd were named Cornerstone Humanitarians by the National Restaurant Association's Educational Foundation for their role in kickstarting The Giving Kitchen.

He outkicked his coverage by a long way and has been married to his wife Julie since 2000 (as well as her alter ego Polly Atomic since 2010). In other words, he is a roller derby husband. They live in Smyrna and when he is not in the restaurants, he is golfing, crashing around the woods, shooting at things, and generally acting the fool. He likes Dusty Rhodes, the Dude, a great bottle of wine, a fine cigar, brown whiskey, pina coladas and getting caught in the rain……But most of all, he is incredibly grateful for the staff, guests, and friends, old & new, who keep the company going.

We caught up with Chef Chris to pick his brain about his recipe, Atlanta and his best advice...

G&G: Why did you choose that Harissa meatball meal for your Be The Chef recipe?

CH: I wanted to do something that is tasty and quick but flavorful. With the weather changing to Fall, this is hearty & warm.

G&G: What’s your favorite thing about Atlanta’s local food scene?

CH: The fact it’s collegial. While there are rare exceptions, everyone in Atlanta gets along really well & is incredibly supportive of one another. It’s not that way everywhere and we are incredibly fortunate that everyone in the food scene here is committed to Atlanta being a great place to dine.

G&G: What’s your go-to dish on a quiet night at home?

CH: B for D!  Breakfast for dinner is easily the go to dish. Eggs (over medium or scrambled), bacon, grits. Simple goodness….

G&G: What’s one piece of advice you’d give to a home chef?

CH: Season your food. Salt & pepper are your friend

G&G: If you were a fruit or veggie, what would you be and why?

CH: I would be kohlrabi because no one would have any clue what to do with me. Veggies imitate real life.


Transform your kitchen into Local Three and cook like Chef Chris Hall with Local Three's Meatballs with Harissa Sauce, Roasted Broccoli & Creamy Polenta.

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