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Meet The Chef: Jaye Moore

We caught up with one of our fabulous G&G Chefs, Jaye Moore, to find a little more about the woman behind the recipes.
Tell us about yourself, your background. How did you get into cooking? How did you get from there to where you are today?
I am a southern girl at heart, raised in Tennessee, yet an Atlantan for 20 years. I graduated from Pepperdine University in Malibu, CA. with a theatre degree, enjoying the artistry of telling a story. To help "pay the bills" I began working in restaurants and at the same time working on my degree as a Certified Kitchen Designer, which I have enjoyed for over 15 years. My career remained in the kitchen but food became my true passion. I was raised around a happy dinner table and a gourmet mom who would have been best friends with Julia Child, so it must have rubbed off. I became a Certified Chef, graduating summa cum laude, from the International Culinary Schools at the Art Institute of Atlanta in 2008. I have worked in restaurants, catering and as a personal chef for the last 5 years, working with some of the best chefs in Atlanta, as well as a short stint with Chez Panisse in California, from Farm-to-Table dinners, wellness seminars, to menu development. I started my own business 3 years ago, Jaye's Cuisines, LLC, and started telling my own stories, with food. My love is to work with farm fresh foods, support the local farmers, and help feed families' good quality, sustainable foods that provide the best nutrients for the body and the soul. I enjoy cooking with the freshest of ingredients, French inspired, served with southern charm. My favorite meal is always best when shared, especially with a fellow foodie.
How would you describe your cooking and recipe style?
I enjoy casual fine dining using fresh ingredients, simply prepared yet perfectly paired together and impeccably plated. I lean more towards a Mediterranean palate but can't escape my southern roots of ingredients.
Can you give us a tip for the home chef?
Work with fresh foods, especially from the local farmers, when possible. It will always taste better!
What is the best meal you've ever had?
An incredible 15-course meal at Eleven Madison Park in New York City that was as beautiful as it was delicious. My favorite dish was the Carrot Tartare. The organic carrot was threaded at the table in a grinder and served with 8 individual saucers of fresh ingredients/spices and small squirt bottles of oil and vinegar nestled in their own spots carved out in a board. Fascinating presentation and so fresh!
Do you have any kitchen tools that you can't live without?
Other than a very sharp knife, my microplane, small whisk, wooden spoon, sieve and Vitamix!
What has most shaped who you are as a chef?
My chef mentors and the most beautiful and freshest ingredients available.
What do you do when you aren't cooking?
Spending time with my family and getting to the ocean whenever possible!
Any fun facts about yourself that you want to share!?
I am also a certified kitchen designer and a member of Screen Actors Guild!

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