Garnish & Gather

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Meet the Chef: Nick Leahy of Saltyard

G&G: Why did you become a chef?

NL: I always loved cooking and started doing so with my mom when I was about 8. It was really just the only thing I was ever passionate enough about to make a career of.


G&G: What does supporting the local food community mean to you?

NL: There are so many reasons to support the local food community. It makes sense from a nutritional point of view, as something that is grown here has more nutrients and can be picked riper than something shipped or flown in. It makes sense from an environmental point of view, in that it has typically a much lower green footprint. And lastly, it makes sense economically, we're supporting small, independent, local businesses, which is what we are. Karma right?

[G&G Note: Amen!]


G&G: Tell us about your experience with Garnish & Gather.

NL: Everyone is just great to work with, and it's such a neat program, that really benefits everyone involved, the chefs, the farmers, and the "home chefs".


G&G: Why did you choose to be a part of our Be The Chef Series?

NL: Why wouldn't I? It's a great program, that shares a lot of the same ideals that we do at the restuarant.


G&G: What inspires you when writing recipes?

NL: I usually start with ingredients coming into season, and then let that be the driving force when writing new menus/recipes.


G&G: What was the inspiration behind Saltyard?

NL: My partners and I all like to go out and try a bunch of different things when we go out to eat, so tapas was a natural fit, but we didn't want to be forced into a spanish mold, so we opted for small plates, which just lets us cook whatever is great at the moment


G&G: Tell us about the recipe you wrote for Garnish & Gather.

NL: I think it just screams fall, or that is what I was trying to have it do. From the cider with the pork, to the housemade apple butter, to the root veggies, simple, fall flavors.


G&G: On a night at home, what’s your go to meal?

NL: My wifes favorite is when I make Pho, but if I'm just talking about what I crave, it's probably a perfect roasted chicken, not too many things more comforting (or that smell better when they're cooking.


G&G: If you could give one piece of advice to a home chef, what would it be?

NL: Sharpen your knives (too many cooks at home have chef knives that are like cutting with butter knives.) More usefully, I would probably say either - make your own stock, you get so much more flavor in your food cooking with real stock - or - don't be afraid to try some things outside your comfort zone, you gotta break a couple of eggs to make a great omelette, as they say.

G&G: What ingredient could you not live without?

NL: That's tough, depends when you catch me. Maybe butter, maybe garlic, maybe fresh chiles?


G&G: What events does Saltyard have coming up?

NL: Tons, a wine dinner in November, Lobster Fest, Taste of Atlanta, Battle of the burgers, 1/2 price wine sundays....


G&G: If you were a fruit or vegetable what would you be and why?

NL: A sweet potato - I'm kind of funny looking and tough on the outside, but inside, i'm really just sweet and full of flavor!

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